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The Effect of Short and Long Term Endurance Training on Systemic, and Muscle and Prefrontal Cortex Tissue Oxygen Utilisation in 40 – 60 Year Old Women




Purpose: Aerobic endurance training (ET) increases systemic and peripheral oxygen utilisation over time, the adaptation pattern not being linear. However, the timing and mechanisms of changes in oxygen utilisation, associated with training beyond one year are not known. This study tested the hypothesis that in women aged 40–60 years performing the same current training load; systemic O2 utilisation (VO2) and tissue deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb) in the Vastus Lateralis (VL) and Gastrocnemius (GAST) would be higher in long term trained (LTT; > 5 yr) compared to a short term trained (STT; 6–24 months) participants during ramp incremental (RI) cycling, but similar during square-wave constant load (SWCL) cycling performed at the same relative intensity (below ventilatory turn point [VTP]); and that pre-frontal cortex (PFC) HHb would be similar between participant groups in both exercise conditions. Methods: Thirteen STT and 13 LTT participants performed RI and SWCL conditions on separate days. VO2, and VL, GAST, and PFC HHb were measured simultaneously. Results: VO2peak was higher in LTT compared to STT, and VO2 was higher in LTT at each relative intensities of 25%, 80% and 90% of VTP in SWCL. HHb in the VL was significantly higher in LTT compared to STT at peak exercise (4.54 ± 3.82 vs 1.55 ± 2.33 μM), and at 25% (0.99 ± 1.43 vs 0.04 ± 0.96 μM), 80% (3.19 ± 2.93 vs 1.14 ± 1.82 μM) and 90% (4.62 ± 3.12 vs 2.07 ± 2.49 μM) of VTP in SWCL. Conclusions: The additional (12.9 ± 9.3) years of ET in LTT, resulted in higher VO2, and HHb in the VL at peak exercise, and sub—VTP exercise. These results indicate that in women 40–60 years old, systemic and muscle O2 utilisation continues to improve with ET beyond two years.
机译:目的:有氧耐力训练(ET)会随着时间的推移增加全身和周围氧气的利用,适应模式不是线性的。但是,与训练超过一年相关的氧气利用变化的时间和机制尚不清楚。这项研究检验了一个假设,即40-60岁的女性正在接受相同的当前训练负荷。与短期训练(STT; 6-24)相比,长期训练(LTT;> 5年)中的外侧外侧肌(VL)和腓肠肌(GAST)中的全身性氧气利用率(VO2)和组织脱氧血红蛋白(HHb)更高个月)参与者在坡道增量(RI)骑行期间,但在方波恒定负载(SWCL)骑行期间以相同的相对强度(低于通风转折点[VTP])执行类似操作;在这两种运动条件下,参与者组之间的前额叶皮质(HFC)相似。方法:13名STT和13名LTT参与者在不同的日子进行了RI和SWCL条件。同时测量VO2,VL,GAST和PFC HHb。结果:在SWCL中,相对强度分别为VTP的25%,80%和90%时,LTT中的VO2peak高于STT,LTT中的VO2较高。在峰值运动时,LTT中VL中的HHb显着高于STT(4.54±3.82 vs 1.55±2.33μM),并且在25%(0.99±1.43 vs 0.04±0.96μM),80%(3.19±2.93 vs 1.14±)时SWCL中的VTP为1.82μM)和90%(4.62±3.12 vs 2.07±2.49μM)。结论:LTT训练中额外的(12.9±9.3)年的ET,导致峰值运动和亚VTP运动时VL中的VO2和HHb升高。这些结果表明,在40至60岁的女性中,超过两年的ET可使全身和肌肉中的O2利用率持续提高。



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